

Funding is essential for #Tech4youth to implement initiatives and improve sexual and reproductive health and rights. Donors are an essential source of funding that contributes to funding the budget priorities of #Tech4Youth initiatives.

Traditional funding

    • Grants: A grant is a way the government funds ideas and projects to provide public services and stimulate the economy. The grants support critical stimulus initiatives, innovation, and many other programs. Grants can give Tech4Youth the boost it needs to finance the initiative. This may bring Tech4Youth into a new phase of growth, attracting increased attention and new donors. Grants also boost Tech4Youth’s visibility and credibility.
    • Sponsorship: Sponsorship is a kind of barter system between NGOs and companies. A business gives you funds for an event and in return, Tech4youth provides free or low-cost publicity for the company. Sponsorship is a form of promotion for Tech4youth. A company can pay all or part of the costs associated with the initiative. In exchange, the company sees its logo exposed, attracting attention and, to some extent, goodwill. 
  • Pooled funds & Joint Programmes: these are multi-donor humanitarian funding mechanisms aimed at providing a source of funding for causes. United Nations agencies, their partners, and donors are increasingly pooling funds and complementary areas of expertise in order to gain efficiency in the field. This approach is proving relevant in the field and complies with the United Nations directive, which prescribes working methods based on increased coordination, streamlining, and accountability.

Innovative finance (non-traditional finance): 

It is a dynamic but evolving field with ground-breaking initiatives, multiple approaches, and a range of instruments. Finding the right approach and initiative – tailored to Tech4Youth value and mission- is essential to ensure success. Innovative finance offers opportunities for additional revenue mobilized through donors. It will position #Tech4Youth more broadly in the priorities of major donors. 

  • Co-funding: a situation in which different donors contribute to the same project. Tech4Youth’s total budget needs are met by a mix of different donors. 

As an instrument of resource mobilization, co-funding is characterized by its transparency. In this case, all the donors know that other donors are contributing – and they know the size of each other’s contributions. Each donor also knows that without the others, Tech4Youth could not be achieved in its entirety. Also, the adoption of co-funding will show that #Tech4youth can attract different donors and that the initiative enjoys wider support. These two elements create greater confidence in the sustainability and scalability of Tech4Youth.

  • Fundraising campaign: A fundraising campaign is a collection of funds that takes place over a determined period and highlights a specific and predetermined objective. Tech4Youth can set up fundraising campaigns to publicize its missions, and more specifically, the initiatives for which it is seeking funds.
  • Results-Based Funds: Results-based financing involves a mechanism by which a funder is willing to make payments to an agent who assumes responsibility for achieving predefined results. The results are defined in advance and funding is released only upon achievement of these independently verified results. This approach aims to link funding more directly to outputs and outcomes, rather than to processes. The goal is to increase accountability and create incentives to improve engagement and sustainability.

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Adolescent and Youth, Sexual ReproductiveHealth and Right (AYSRHR)